The Way of the Passionate Warrior

Iboga-Journey-The-Detox The Passionate Warriors

Iboga Journey- The Detox

For some reason I was feeling angry I saw images of me from childhood, adolescence and adult life. I was the third person, the observer looking at myself but impartial ,with no emotional connection 

Iboga Journey- The Detox

For some reason I was feeling angry I saw images of me from childhood, adolescence and adult life. I was the third person, the observer looking at myself but impartial ,with no emotional connection 

Iboga-Journey-back-to-the-beginnings The Passionate Warriors

Iboga Journey: back to the beginnings

I've been feeling the call for the past 2 years but this time, I answered the call immediately.  

Iboga Journey: back to the beginnings

I've been feeling the call for the past 2 years but this time, I answered the call immediately.  

Awareness psychedelics

Integrating the Experience: Awareness

My central nervous system has been reset, my body revived and my spirit restored. I have to honor and protect it. I am becoming aware of my thoughts, and how I feel....

Integrating the Experience: Awareness

My central nervous system has been reset, my body revived and my spirit restored. I have to honor and protect it. I am becoming aware of my thoughts, and how I feel....

Iboga know your truth

Bassé: my Iboga Journey

I was taken to my mat to laydown for my journey and was given eye shades so I wouldn't be bothered by the light or so I thought. Things happened...

Bassé: my Iboga Journey

I was taken to my mat to laydown for my journey and was given eye shades so I wouldn't be bothered by the light or so I thought. Things happened...

Iboga-Know-Your-Truth The Passionate Warriors

Iboga, Know Your Truth

Depending what you're looking for and your desired intentions, I recommend experiencing both at any point in your life. If you want to know, Iboga, to feel, Ayahuasca. 

Iboga, Know Your Truth

Depending what you're looking for and your desired intentions, I recommend experiencing both at any point in your life. If you want to know, Iboga, to feel, Ayahuasca.