Awareness psychedelics

Integrating the Experience: Awareness

Integrating the experience: awareness

This is the most important part of the psychedelic experience. It is the part when I come to realize that though my life has been changed significantly by this experience, the world I'm getting back to has not changed. I leave this magical place of serenity and clarity, to go back home, back to reality, back to normal.
But what is normal? what is my reality? I choose what it will be. That it is part of my resolution to become a better person than I was yesterday. It is the most important task above everything else from this point on. The task to stay in the present, in the NOW!
My central nervous system has been reset, my body revived and my spirit restored. I have to honor and protect it. I am becoming aware of my thoughts, and how I feel. I am to observe every thought, feeling or emotion objectively without judgment. A sense of unwavering awareness is taking over me.
What is the thought or feeling I am noticing?
Evaluate potential reasons and current circumstances
Is it something I have control over it?
No? let it go. Everything will unfold as it should.
If yes, take charge. Do whatever it takes to make it right.
Slow down, avoid acting on impulse. Delay, distract, and reframe the thought or feeling through positive action, a better position or angle to the issue, and/or by reframing the entire situation.
I may not know what I want all the time but I certainly know what I don't want back in my life.
I will choose my actions with love in my heart, humility, and with fearless persistence and determination to succeed.


~ Excerpt from my Iboga experience integration (2017)

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