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Carlos Guzman Passionate Warrior

What I Bring to the Table

Take control of your life and uncover your purpose with Kambo and transformational coaching. We'll help you reset your mindset, strengthen your body, and revive your soul through a personalized plan focused on resilience and mental toughness. Break free from what's holding you back and build a stronger, more resilient version of yourself.


 Get Back into Alignment: Transformational Coaching 

Take back control of your life and discover your life's purpose with the help of Kambo and transformational coaching. I am here to help you identify what is holding you back, and get your mind in the right mindset while strengthening your body, and revitalizing your soul.

An individually designed plan that targets both your resilience and mental toughness to help manage the challenges and adversities of life.

Coaching Passionate Warrior

Restoring the Whole You


Kambo's energy will bring you back to a balanced state and clarity to get the restart you seek to turn around your life. We work together on accessing your intentions, where you at in mind, body, and spirit, everything from your thoughts and feelings to your fears, traumas, and self-sabotaging patterns that brought you to this point in life. Then we will develop an action plan to effectively achieve your goals and you're balanced and ready to take ownership of your life again. These modalities help clear out the mental clutter and pump you up to chase after what matters to you...lead a life of purpose!


Toughen Up From the Inside Out

Change happens from the inside out and we sit with those uncomfortable feelings instead of numbing them. This isn't just about bouncing back; it's about building a stronger you. I'll help you dig deep, face the uncomfortable, and come out stronger. Our coaching is like having a mirror and soundboard by your side, helping you figure out the rough patches, and ego traps, and keeping you accountable to do what you promised yourself you are going to do.


"You are the only one who can change your life, do the work, make THAT Change...but, you don't have to do it alone."


Breaking Free: If you're fighting addictions or bad habits, I can relate to the struggle of escaping or numbing because you "just don't want to deal with THAT pain right now" or insert your go-to excuse here. You want to change and don't know where to start, you feel like you're going backward instead of in the direction you want to go and the weight of your addictions, bad habits, and old coping mechanisms are keeping you down, unable to move forward. You wish you had someone or something to help you navigate the shadowlands of your soul. I get it, I have experienced feeling lost without direction, drowning in my suffering. Then I realized that it was up to me to get myself out of the rabbit hole that I was digging deeper and deeper. The Universe is ready to provide you with the help and guidance to get you out of the storm but you have to take that first step of courage take charge of the ship of your life and become the master of your emotions. It is in the midst of the storm that we find the power to take back control of our lives. I want to be your mirror and witness to that transformation.

We will start with the fire energy of Kambo to get you outside of your head and into your body.  Kambo will help you remove Panema, that bad funk, stagnant energy you feel when you are feeling stuck. Once you get a restart, we can address your recovery and living plan through coaching. You will have the tools to keep moving forward, making better choices, and building a life you're proud of.


Ready to turn things around? Let's get started on building a stronger, clearer-headed, and resilient version of you!

Schedule your Discovery Call

Or Call/Text 407-761-4200

 Man in the Mirror Coaching Passionate Warrior 

Kambo Warrior Detox

Kambo: Detox Your Body, Mind, and Soul

Kambo is a natural cleansing therapy that detoxifies the body, mind, and spirit. This non-hallucinogenic treatment, used by indigenous tribes, helps clear emotional blocks, detoxifies the liver, and improves mental function.

Benefits of Kambo
Kambo boosts the immune system, fights pathogens, and promotes self-healing. It may help with issues like inflammation, joint pain, brain diseases, and more.

Meet Your Practitioner
Carlos Guzman, a certified Kambo practitioner, leads Kambo Warrior Detox, guiding you on your healing journey.


Detox your Body, Mind, and Soul

Pre-Kambo Session Information

Kambo Warrior Brochure

Official Kambo Warrior Website:



What is Kambo?

Kambo is the name given to the waxy secretion of a tree frog that is used by the indigenous tribes to heal and strengthen the body, mind, and spirit. Kambo is legal in the United States, as well as all other countries, and is not a hallucinogenic. It is, however, a deep cleansing therapy – physically, emotionally and mentally. It is one of the world’s most effective and natural antibiotics and immune system boosters. It detoxifies the liver and intestines, improves mental functioning, and has the potential to dissolve emotional blocks. It also helps to reset our cellular memory.



Benefits of Kambo

Scientific studies show that Phyllomedusa bicolor secretion is made up of many peptides that are beneficial to the human body. Some of these peptides traverse the blood-brain barrier and stimulate the endocrine glands of the brain, resulting in an immune effect and a deep cleansing of the body. Kambo has antibiotic properties and strengthens the immune system, while physically destroying pathogenic microorganisms. Kambo is traditionally known to be anti-inflammatory, to relieve joint pain, to heal eyesight, and to ease the pain. Kambo peptides, and their effects, are reported to cover a wide range of potential benefits: may help with brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, depression, migraines, blood circulation problems, vascular insufficiency, organ diseases, skin and eyes issues, cancer, fertility problems in women, AIDS, candida, hepatitis, herpes, and more. Kambo enters the lymphatic system, waking up the body’s natural ability to heal itself.



Learn Everything You Need to Know About Kambo

 Kambo Warrior

 Carlos Guzman Kambo Warrior


About your Kambo Warrior Practitioner: Carlos is a certified Kambo practitioner by the International Association of Kambo Practitioners (IAKP). He is also founder and minister of Passionate Warrior Ministries.

Click here to book your Kambo session with me

Learn more, visit Kambo Warrior's website


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Kambo Warrior








Kambo Warrior Detox is an independent service.

*Passionate Warrior Ministries is a proud partner of Passionate Warrior, LLC.

Please print, fill out and sign the intake form and waiver below. Bring with you the day of your session:

Kambo Warrior Detox Intake and Waiver Form

Pre-Kambo Session Information

Kambo Warrior Brochure


 Kambo Warrior Carlos Guzman

Transformational Coaching

Addiction Recovery Coaching

Focused on overcoming addiction, this coaching provides strategies for relapse prevention, managing cravings, and building a healthy lifestyle. It's ideal for individuals seeking to recover from addiction and stay sober.

Psychospiritual Integration Coaching

This approach combines psychological growth with spiritual development, helping individuals integrate their spiritual and mental well-being. It’s best for those exploring existential questions, spiritual awakenings, and personal development.

Making Your Choice

Consider your needs and goals. Are you looking to overcome addiction or explore deeper spiritual and psychological connections? Let’s discuss which approach aligns with your journey.

Addiction Recovery

Addiction Recovery Coaching

Focus: Specifically targets issues related to overcoming addiction, including substance abuse, behavioral addictions, and their underlying causes. It involves strategies for relapse prevention, building a supportive environment, and establishing a healthy lifestyle.

Best for:
- Individuals seeking to recover from addiction.
- Those needing support in navigating the challenges of staying sober.
- People looking for practical strategies to manage cravings, old coping mechanisms, and triggers.

 Psychospiritual Integration Coaching

Psychospiritual Integration Coaching

Focus: Combines psychological growth with spiritual development, aiming to integrate these aspects into a cohesive whole. It addresses existential questions, spiritual crises, and the search for meaning, drawing upon various spiritual traditions and psychological frameworks to create an action plan to meet your goals.

Best for:
- Individuals exploring deeper meanings and connections between their psychological and spiritual lives.
- Those undergoing a spiritual awakening or existential crisis, seeking to integrate these experiences with their daily lives.
- People interested in personal development that encompasses their mental and spiritual well-being.

Making Your Choice:

Assess your primary needs: If you're primarily struggling with addiction and seeking sobriety, addiction recovery coaching might be more beneficial. If you're more focused on exploring the intersection of your mental health and spiritual experiences, psychospiritual integration coaching could be a better fit.
Consider your goals: Think about what you hope to achieve through coaching. Is it overcoming a dependency, or is it finding a deeper sense of purpose and integration in your life?
Reflect on your readiness for change: Both paths require a commitment to change and growth. Consider where you are in your journey and which approach resonates more with your current state.

Ultimately, the best choice depends on where you are in your journey and what kind of support you feel will best help you move forward. Let's get on a call to understand and discuss which approach feels more aligned with your needs.


Schedule a 30-minute Call with Me.

Men's Coaching

Men's Resilience and Transformational Coaching

This coaching program is designed specifically for men, addressing the unique challenges they face in society and family life. It honors traditional roles like leadership and protecting, while helping men cope with modern pressures that can impact their emotional and mental well-being.

Men's Resilience Coaching
Build strength and endurance to face life's challenges. This path is for you if:

  • You want to bounce back from setbacks.
  • You need to strengthen your mental and emotional foundation.
  • You’re looking to manage stress and anxiety more effectively.

Men's Transformational Coaching
Transform how you see yourself and the world. This path is right for you if:

  • You’re ready for significant life changes.
  • You want to explore your values, beliefs, and purpose.
  • You seek deeper personal growth and more authentic living.

Choosing Your Path
Whether you're focused on resilience or transformation, let's connect for a Discovery Call to explore how I can support your journey.

This work is a journey of personal development tailored specifically for men, addressing their unique challenges, roles, and responsibilities in society and family life. It encompasses the traditional roles of men as leaders, providers, and protectors, while also recognizing the modern pressures and lack of support networks that can hinder their emotional and mental well-being. This work is crucial in a society where expectations and obligations often lead to stress, isolation, and a struggle to cope with life's demands. 

Kambo Warrior Carlos Guzman


Men's Resilience Coaching focuses on building strength and endurance in the face of life's challenges. It is ideal for you if:
- You're looking to improve your ability to bounce back from setbacks or adversity.
- You want to develop a stronger mental and emotional foundation.
- You're interested in learning strategies to manage stress, anxiety, or depression more effectively.
- Your goal is to enhance your personal and professional resilience skills to navigate difficult situations more effectively.


Passionate Warrior

Men's Transformational Coaching:  focuses on a deep understanding of the fundamental changes in how you see yourself and the world. It might be the right choice for you if:
- You're seeking significant changes in your life or career.
- You want to explore and redefine your values, beliefs, and life purpose.
- You're ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
- You aim to transform your life in meaningful ways, such as improving relationships, finding a new career path, or living more authentically.


Making Your Choice

If your focus is more on coping mechanisms, mental toughness, and overcoming obstacles, Resilience Coaching might fit best. However, if you're looking for a holistic change that encompasses personal values, life purpose, and profound growth, Transformational Coaching could be more beneficial.

Reflect on where you are in your life right now, what challenges you're facing, and where you see yourself in the future. This reflection can help guide your decision on which type of coaching will best support your journey. 

Let's Connect on a Discovery Call.

Resilience Challenge

Rediscover Your Purpose and Take Control

This transformational journey is designed to break down the barriers holding you back, restore your mental toughness, strengthen your body’s resilience, and revive your spirit.

What's Included:

  1. Initial Consultation: Tailor a coaching plan that fits your unique needs.
  2. Kambo Ceremony: Align your body, clear your mind, and remove blocked energy.
  3. Breathwork Sessions: Harness your breath to unlock emotional blockages and enhance clarity.
  4. Cold Plunge Practice: Boost resilience and energy with cold water immersion.
  5. Shamanic Workshops: Connect deeply with yourself through drumming, music, and dance.
  6. Movement & Resilience Training: Build physical strength and flexibility with custom exercises.
  7. Psychedelic Integration Coaching: Safely explore and integrate your psychedelic experiences.
  8. Ongoing Support: Regular check-ins to keep you on track toward your goals.


  • Detoxify and Revitalize through Kambo and holistic practices.
  • Mental Clarity through breathwork and mindfulness.
  • Physical Resilience with cold plunge therapy and tailored training.
  • Spiritual Connection through shamanic practices.
  • Integrated Growth for a balanced and fulfilling life.

Who Is This For?

This challenge is for anyone feeling stuck, going through transitions, or seeking personal and spiritual growth. Whether you're looking to overcome challenges or deepen your understanding of yourself, this journey offers a comprehensive path to transformation.

Resilience Challenge

Rediscover your life's purpose and get your life back into control. This transformational journey is designed to break down the barriers holding you back, restore your mental toughness, strengthen your body's resilience, and revive your spirit.

What's Included:

1. Initial Consultation: We begin with a deep dive into your current state, aspirations, and challenges to tailor a coaching plan that meets your unique needs.

2. Kambo Ceremony: Get your body in alignment; clear your mind and remove blocked energy with the help of Kambo, setting the stage for profound transformation.

3. Breathwork Sessions: Breath is life, is home. Learn to harness the power of your breath to unlock emotional blockages and enhance mental clarity.

4. Cold Plunge Practice: Experience the invigorating effects of cold water immersion to boost your immune system, improve mental resilience, and increase energy levels.

5. Shamanic Workshops: Participate in drumming, music, dance expression, and other shamanic practices to connect with your inner self and the world around you. 

6. Movement and Physical Resilience Training: Custom exercise routines focusing on building physical strength and flexibility, tailored to your fitness level.

7. Psychedelic Integration Coaching: Explore and integrate your experiences with psychedelics in a safe and supportive environment, leveraging them for personal growth and spiritual insight.

8. Ongoing Support and Accountability: Regular check-ins to monitor progress, adjust strategies, and ensure you remain on track toward your goals.


Detoxify and Revitalize: Through Kambo and holistic health practices, cleanse your body of toxins and reignite your vital energy.
Mental Clarity and Focus: Achieve greater focus and clarity of mind through breathwork, meditation, and mindfulness practices.
Physical Resilience: Strengthen your body to better withstand life's challenges through targeted physical training and cold plunge therapy.
Spiritual Connection: The heart of the warrior. Deepen your connection to your inner self and the universe with guided shamanic practices.
Integrated Growth: Harmonize your physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions for a more balanced and fulfilling life.

Who Is This For?
This is ideal for individuals feeling stuck, facing life transitions, or seeking to deepen their understanding of themselves and their place in the world. Whether you're navigating personal challenges, seeking spiritual awakening, or simply looking to improve your overall well-being, the resilience challenge offers a comprehensive path to transformation and growth.

Get Started
Take on this life-changing challenge today. Contact me for a one-on-one to discuss how the challenge can help you achieve your fullest potential.

Shamanic Elemental Healing

The Shamanic Elemental Healing Protocol

Experience renewal and healing through the natural elements. This protocol combines the power of Kambo (Fire), Iboga (Earth), Ayahuasca (Water), and Spirit (Air) to help you restore balance and harmony in your mind, body, and soul.

Focused on addiction recovery and clearing energy blockages, this approach offers grounding, emotional release, and a connection to higher awareness.


The Shamanic Elemental Healing Protocol embodies a journey of renewal, utilizing the power of these elements to restore balance and harmony within the individual. It honors the unique contributions of each shamanic medicine and their interconnectedness in facilitating holistic healing. It underscores the balance and harmony achieved through their combined use, aligning the physical, mental, and emotional aspects of well-being.
This approach remains deeply rooted in the synergy of Kambo (Fire), Iboga (Earth), Ayahuasca (Water), and the encompassing Spirit (Air), each representing a fundamental aspect of nature's healing capabilities. By concentrating on these elements, the protocol seeks to provide a comprehensive, transformative healing experience, addressing the mind, body, and soul. It aims to facilitate addiction recovery and clear the energetic blockages known as heavy panema, affecting both the mind and heart.
  • Fire (Kambo): Initiates the healing journey by purifying the body and igniting the inner spirit, burning away toxins and negative energies.
  • Earth (Iboga): Offers grounding and profound insights into the self, uncovering the root causes of behavioral patterns and addictions.
  • Water (Ayahuasca): Encourages emotional flow and healing, washing away pain and opening the heart to new perspectives.
  • Air (Spirit): Integrates the healing process, providing guidance, clarity, and a connection to higher consciousness.


To learn more about this protocol click here and connect with me.


Cold Plunge Kambo Resilience Challenge

Resilience Challenge

Rediscover your life's purpose and get your life back into control. This transformational journey is designed to break down the barriers holding you back, restore your mental toughness, strengthen your body's resilience, and revive your spirit.

Take the Challenge

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At Passionate Warrior, we believe in the power of community to drive change. Our mission is to help each other thrive through empathy, compassion, and connection. Your support helps us uplift lives and build a stronger, more caring community.

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  • Volunteer: Dedicate your time and skills to make a real impact in the lives of others.
  • Donate: Every contribution fuels our mission to create positive change.
  • Spread the Word: Share our story and follow us on social media @thepassionatewarriors using #LoveKindnessService.

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Thank You: Your support is vital to our mission and helps bring us together as a community.