The Way of the Passionate Warrior

Questions-To-Call-Yourself-Out-On The Passionate Warriors

Questions To Call Yourself Out On

These are hard questions to answer but are the right questions to ask yourself.  What do you think?  Which one of these questions you feel is calling you out now...

Questions To Call Yourself Out On

These are hard questions to answer but are the right questions to ask yourself.  What do you think?  Which one of these questions you feel is calling you out now...

A-Permanent-Reminder The Passionate Warriors

A Permanent Reminder

In everything I say or do, I ask myself: Did I speak with Integrity? Am I taking this personal?  Was that an assumption, or do I need to ask for...

A Permanent Reminder

In everything I say or do, I ask myself: Did I speak with Integrity? Am I taking this personal?  Was that an assumption, or do I need to ask for...

I-m-Done The Passionate Warriors

I'm Done!

There is a moment in life when one says I'm done...with a capital F! Done with the unnecessary drama and self sabotage in your life. Done with trying to change...

I'm Done!

There is a moment in life when one says I'm done...with a capital F! Done with the unnecessary drama and self sabotage in your life. Done with trying to change...

Balance The Passionate Warriors


Word of the day ( and yesterday and the day before, lol ): balance. Taking it one day at the time, the good and the not so good with patience...


Word of the day ( and yesterday and the day before, lol ): balance. Taking it one day at the time, the good and the not so good with patience...

Working-with-the-Man-in-the-Mirror The Passionate Warriors

Working with the Man in the Mirror

Working with the man in the mirror. Learning, loving, and living. #selflove #love #valentines #lovingmyself #healing #iam #maninthemirror #inlovewithmyself

Working with the Man in the Mirror

Working with the man in the mirror. Learning, loving, and living. #selflove #love #valentines #lovingmyself #healing #iam #maninthemirror #inlovewithmyself

Have-Faith-Learn-the-Lessons-Trust-the-Journey The Passionate Warriors

Have Faith, Learn the Lessons, Trust the Journey

This has to be one of the most inspirational messages I've come across lately. So true and timely in my life right now to keep me arrow straight in moving...

Have Faith, Learn the Lessons, Trust the Journey

This has to be one of the most inspirational messages I've come across lately. So true and timely in my life right now to keep me arrow straight in moving...