You are the medicine, Ayahuasca


Every weekend, during the opening of an Ayahuasca ceremony, our shaman, Taita Pedro talks to the participants about the sacred journey they are about to take. He talks about the medicine of Ayahuasca, always remind us by saying "Usted es la medicina", you are the medicine. He goes on to explain that we have everything we need within us to make us feel better, to overcome challenges, to find the inner peace and the love we seek.

 Some people will drink alcohol and/or take drugs to numb their suffering or seek a way to escape their pain. Others will seek the help of teacher plants for guidance and wisdom. Both of these are tools. One is a tool of destruction and the other a tool for awakening and self-discovery.

We are the medicine. All the power to change our lives for the better is within us already. Ayahuasca and other plant medicines, help us to open our inner vision, past our own insecurities, self-judgment and other filters we have created to remove the veil of self-deception/ self-sabotage and see what we are really capable of being and doing.

Taita finished his speech with yet another reminder: " don't look for teachers, gurus or anywhere else but within ourselves".

We don't really need a guru or teacher to be able to find happiness, peace, and wisdom but we can use their guidance and wisdom to help us see the light shining inside each one of us. 


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1 comment

Thank you for this, Carlos. You a very special part of my life from the moment I met you, driving to SoulQuest I was in tears because of fear, anxiety, hatred for myself. I left in your car at the end of the weekend with a newfound meaning of life and I was proud of myself for the changes that I made. I could tell you were proud of me too. Thank you brother. Aho!


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