The Secret to be Happy
El secreto para ser feliz? La primera persona en tu lista tienes que ser tú. Encuéntrate contigo, cambia tus prioridades, ponte en primer lugar, y ámate profundamente. Come mejor, camina más, respira profundo, ríe mucho, busca a Dios, disfruta las cosas simples de la vida, y da gracias por todo. Entonces serás feliz, y tendrás paz... para invadir de alegría a toda tu familia.
The secret to be happy? The first person on your list has to be you. Find yourself, change your priorities, put yourself first, and love yourself deeply. Eat better, walk more, breathe deeply, laugh a lot, seek God, enjoy the simple things in life, and give thanks for everything. Then you will be happy, and you will have peace ... to invade your whole family with joy.
~ Ramón Torres, Psychologist.