The Scroll Marked III: I will persist until I succeed
I will persist until I succeed.
Each day I will be tested by life like the bull who gets pricked by the picador in the fight arena with bravery and willingness to charge in spite of the sting of the blade. If I persist, If I continue to charge forward, I will succeed. A great analogy to remember and share with others.So much wisdom in this scroll and fits so perfectly in my life right now.
To never give up and try and try again until I succeed. One step at the time, one blow to the blade against the mighty oak and even the greatest task will be accomplished.
" I am not a sheep waiting t be prodded by my shepherd. I am a lion and I refuse to talk, to walk, to sleep with the sheep. The slaughterhouse of failure it's not my destiny".
Each step I take, I'll continue to move forward, into greener pastures. With each failure there lies my chance of success. I'll never know when it will happen until I take the next step and then another. Never giving up while refining my way of thinking and expressing myself in a positive way.
I will see every challenge as an opportunity, riding out the storm, developing the skills to win. I am encouraged to try and try again even if I am tired, lost and feeling of giving up. Never allowing the day to end in failure. When others rest, I shall continue forward. Neither allowing to success to blur my vision and fall into complacency.
I will meet each day with the same enthusiasm and persistence to make the day the best day of my life.
I will persist and I will win
*From The Scroll Marked III, Og Mandino, The Greatest Salesman in the World.