Post-ceremony-reflections-on-being-vulnerable The Passionate Warriors

Post ceremony reflections: on being vulnerable

Post ceremony reflections: on being vulnerable
This weekend was our first Men's ceremony of this year, the gathering of the sacred brotherhood. 
Men come together from many places and from different backgrounds. They come as they are to a space that is safe, open, and inclusive, so they can drop their walls, their ego and open up their emotions without the fear of being judged or confronted. We welcome them with open arms and meet them where they are with love, compassion, and understanding.
In a society where men were taught to "man up" and push through every problem, suppressing feelings and repressing emotions, the weight of our responsibilities as men, fathers, husbands, and contributors to society can take a heavy toll physically, mentally, and especially emotionally. We seek ways to cope but the mechanisms are destructive rather than constructive and there is little or no support to allow men to express their feelings. This space was created for men to support each other, as brothers, together, doing the work, healing together. Each of us collaborates to change the perception and expectations of how men should and should not behave, tapping into our own inner power, courage, and strength with the help of a loving and supportive brotherhood.
It is here, in this sacred container, that we allow ourselves to be vulnerable. When we become emotionally vulnerable, we have no fear, no guilt, or shame of being judged or confronted. We can say ' No, I am not OK" and be willing to ask for help. We are encouraged to open up and talk about our feelings. We are allowed to feel those emotions, fully supported by the brothers who are also on the same journey through different paths. When vulnerability happens, men have the opportunity to become self-aware of their feelings and emotions in the space. Here they are able to accept with an open heart their struggles and pain and do the necessary work to let go of whatever is holding them back from becoming the men they're meant to be. They take on the challenge of going through the process of healing knowing that they're not alone, that they have the guidance and support to pull through. We are right there with them, lending a hand for support, a shoulder to cry humans. It is an honor for me to be part of this sacred brotherhood, to hold space for my brothers. I love and hold deep respect and appreciation to the men that I have crossed paths with and those who hold the light with me in service so our brothers can shine their own light.
 #mensretreat #sacredmasculine #divinemasculine #sacredbrotherhood #ayahuasca #healingretreat #spiritualwarrior #vulnerability #beingvulnerable
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