Notes of Change
I found these notes, in a binder, underneath my car seat. It dates back from 2016. I couldn't help but to smile, reach to my heart and said to myself with love and swelled emotions:
" See Carlitos!, we have been doing this for a long time. Your desicion towards change was set long ago. Well done my boy, I am proud of you"Found these notes, in a binder, underneath my car seat. It dates back from 2016, some from way back in 2013. I couldn't help but to smile, reach to my heart and said to myself with love and swelled emotions:
" See Carlitos!, we have been doing this for a long time. Your desicion towards change was set long ago and look at you now, how far you've come...reaping the rewards of your efforts, all that was meant to be. Well done my boy, I am proud of you".