Morning Routine
Making time for my morning routine and loving it!
I roll out of bed into a quick yoga and primal movements, nothing fancy.
I like to use the humancharger 25 while doing this within 30 minutes of waking up to stimulate my brain with light therapy.
I do experience an increased in my mental alertness into a state of optimal wakefulness in doing both activities.
Alternatively, I sit with a Joe Dispenza meditation and/or read my little great book companion ( The greatest Salesman in the World) with light therapy before going out to the garage and exercise.
I have also been using the infrared blanket every other day and the noticeable results I feel is being in a state of calmness and clarity.
In doing all this, I am also able to stay consistent with my intermittent fasting to 14 hours before breakfast at least twice a week.
Some days I am specific to a routine, other days I alternate the routine depending how I feel, my time available and because I like variety 😉.
There is always room to experiment, adjust and improve but the best of all is that it adds purpose to my life, goals, commitment and it feels damn good to do it!
What's in your morning routine?
#morningroutine #exercise #humancharger25 #yoga #infraredblanket #higherdose #joedispenza #meditation #bookcompanion #garagegym #primalmovement