Make-the-Most-Out-of-Today The Passionate Warriors

Make the Most Out of Today

Sometimes, when I am bored, I start thinking about the past. I fantasized about a time to go back and change some things if I had the opportunity to go back in time. Thoughts of "should've, could've, would've done that", soon take over my mind when the realization happens that I am self sabotaging myself yet again.
I snap back into the present because there is nothing to dwell into the past for me... but to learn from those experiences. Today is what we got to work on the tomorrow. I cannot do anything to change the past but to work with what I got today, with the hope and determination to change my tomorrow. 
 #TodayForTomorrow #tommorowisabetterday #cantchangethepast #livinginthepresent #pastpresentfuture 
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