Having-a-Plan The Passionate Warriors

Having a Plan

I don't remember who was the first person who taught me the importance of having a plan. As a young buck, my life was led with spontaneity with not a care in the world. Planning as I believed it was for really long term life goals. So, I spent most of my life "shooting from the hip" with my desicion making in my personal life, work and even my relationships. As time passed and I grew older, I learned the value of these words the hard way.
Today, planning is part of my daily routine. I start my day with a list of things- to-do and enjoy the satisfaction of crossing out my list as the day goes. At the end of the day, whatever doesn't get done, it goes to the top of my list for the next day.
While some things I can wing it, or improvise based on priorities and the flow of the day, long term goals, however, things I want to change, add or remove from my life require a thorough, detailed plan to be worked on and revised carefully as it gets executed.  
Failure to have a plan or be undisciplined with a plan, its a sure path to failure and disappointment.. You today can benefit from having a plan and your future may very well depend on it. 
 #failtoplanplantofail #havingaplan #planning #discipline #todolist 
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