Gratitude: the key of manifesting
There is no doubt in my life that an attitude of gratitude has rewarded me exponentially. There is absolutely no question that when you do what you love, and do it with love, kindness, compassion for yourself and to others, in service, everything else will follow: money, stability, fulfillment, joy, etc...name it!
I am grateful for what I have, the good and the not so good. Why? because without the things that I had considered not so good in my life, I wouldn't have learned the lessons and experiences that make me who I am today. I am extremely grateful for my lows in life because it makes me appreciate the highs and the other way around.
Gratitude helps me navigate my life in such a way, that no matter what happens...everything is going to be alright. I am grateful for that 🙏
I am grateful for the blessings I have and the blessings I will receive.
Gratitude is the key of manifesting what I want. It doesn't have a down side , you cannot have too much of it. It scatters and multiplies in my life and with the people I cross path with in this journey of life.
I love the quote below from the late Dr. Wayne Dyer.
Without exception, begin every day of your life with gratitude. As you look in the mirror, say, "Thank you, God, for life, for my body, for my family and loved ones, for this day, and for the opportunity to be of service. Thank you, thank you, thank you!" -W.D.