Do the F****ing Work
In honor of our dear friend Bob who transitioned from this Earth in February 2022. Bob was a great man. He was a staunch supporter of plant medicines, service to his community and The Passionate Warriors movement. He was big of doing the integration work after the experience and he will tell anyone who came across him to "Do the F****ing Work!" referring to the integration work.
This T-shirt is in honor to Bob. 70% of each T-shirt sale will go to support the Passionate Warrior sponsorship program which aims to fund sponsorships and travel expenses to retreat centers specializing in helping people overcome emotional trauma, PTSD, and other circumstances that prevent them from leading a healthy life of purpose and joy.
**This is a Pre-Sale Order**
Orders will be fulfilled once we reached enough support to send it to the printer. We will keep you posted of the status of your order. Your order will be fulfilled within 30 days max regardless.
Please visit the passionatewarriors website to pre-order.
Thank you for your support 🙏