DMT: The Fifth Dimension
It was late Sunday night. I was at a friend's house, decompressing after arriving from a trip out of the Country. It was also my friend's birthday, so it was the perfect occasion to celebrate his many turns around the sun when we decided to sit with DMT late that night. The setting was his backyard, by the pool, surrounded by lush vegetation. We asked another dear friend to hold space for us while we discussed how to do the session in tandem. Our mothership was a vape mod with a DMT cartridge. My friend previously reported a mild experience with this cartridge compared with the strength of a previous batch. Therefore we devised a plan to journey together using our friend as the middle-gal. Her job was to handle the vape mod as we take turns on each round.
Pre-Flight Prep
Our flight plan was experimental. Since the batch was mild we decided to take 4 rounds of 10-second hits each. Each will take a 10-second hit passing the vape mod to the other while holding the breath for at least 10-seconds. Once the other held breath, the vape mod passed to the other to take a hit and so on.
The Formula
4 Rounds x 10 seconds each = 1 Session
Once our plan was established, it was time to set our intentions before the launch. The music selected was celestial, ethereal. Perfect for the launch of two psychonauts into higher consciousness. Each passed the vape mod to the other, setting our intentions while priming the lungs by taking deep inhales and long exhale. My intention was clear: to let go and surrender, be open to accept whatever happens. So we began our first round.
Enter The Sessions
First round was successful with mild to vivid visuals and sensations. I was shaking towards the end of the session; my body vibrating energetically, the DMT saturating my lungs. Visuals started dull and grayscale fractals changing into shades of red, orange with hues of yellow with each inhale and breath hold. I saw the familiar jokester, going around my mind's frame of view ( like in a TV set), ever morphing into abstract shapes. To me, the jokester is a sign that I missed the bus and didn't take off. So, I am "entertained" instead until the effects of DMT wears off. We laughed a lot; each leaning into the experience like kids exploring new playground. After our first session, we rested while deciding unanimously that we were going to do another session.
The second session turned into four as time quickly became non-existent. Each round we continued to dive deeper into the void while our gate keeper angel handed the vape mod to one and the other in perfect synchronization. I don't think it would have been possible to achieve this without her assistance.
The 5th Dimension
It was on the fourth session where I had my breakthrough. We started as usual, handing over the vape mod to each other while doing the breathwork in between. I think it was during my 4th round where I started to feel as if I was being elevated from the ground. I felt a pull from my crown as if someone was pulling my head up like a puppet while my feet stayed on the ground. I saw in my mind's eye as I was passing different layers, like the atmospheric layers of our planet stretching. It felt like going up in an elevator without walls. I counted one, two, three, four layers and then my feet left the ground. I penetrated another layer like breaking through a cloud into a 5th dimension, way up high where I could see the shape of our planet far below. I hung there, suspended, half of my body inside while my lower body dangled outside of the cloud. Inside this cloud I saw something I heard about from other people's journeys but never thought I will see myself. I saw elves!
I See Elf People
I was in awe at what I was seeing. In this dimension, high above the Earth, inside a cloud, there is a kingdom of elves. I saw castle-like buildings materializing in front of me like through a fog, rising up in the background with shapes of a forest surrounding it. The buildings look like high towers, some in the shape of Japanese architecture while others more like medieval castles.
There are no pictures to describe what I saw. As the fog cleared, the buildings and forest looked more defined. That is when I saw rows of shapes like figures. There were lots of them, hundreds, packed together, different shapes and sizes. All of them with point hats like gnomes but with the distinctive ears of elves. I looked at them, they looked at me. At first they were all smiling. Then in unison, they all stopped smiling and dropped their gaze and head in sadness. I didn't understand why this was happening but felt an emotion immediately. I began to feel sad; didn't know why I was feeling sad or what caused it but the emotion became stronger and stronger and I started to cry. A deep wail from the depths of my heart. Sadness buried layer after layer that I have suppressed because I haven't have the time or space to cry in a long time. Life got in the way with my duties and responsibilities, so there is no time for me to cry for my frustrations and pain.
I don't know how long I was there and what happened after but I somehow came down to earth. I heard the music again which I realized there was none while I was up there. Time continued its progress of existence. Everything was back to normal and I continued crying. I felt my friends embracing me.
I sat there reflecting on my journey, little shell-shocked of what happened but finding my grasp into reality very quickly. I don't remember all of my psychedelic journeys but this one I do remember and very vivid. I still continue to integrate this experience, being in gratitude for life, my friends and the inexplicable divine connection with self exploration.
Wow! Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for the retelling of this magical experience, my friend. I am beyond grateful to have taken part with you. My journey was a profound one and the synchronization even further illuminating. You are a beautiful soul and I look forward to future travels together. Aho.