Changing-the-Inner-Voice The Passionate Warriors

Changing the Inner Voice

Standing up against the voices inside my mind! Changing the negative dialog with my inner child is difficult when the voices of the judge, the critic and the victim are too loud and they just won't shut up. One is justifying my current life situation based on my past story, the other is criticizing my desicions and the last one, feeling sorry, sad and frustrated...throwing a pity party.
I am managing this with love and compassion, using positive affirmations and a lot of mental discipline. Lately, I've been doing the opposite of what my mind tells me if it's negative, distracting, delaying and reframing every negative thought and turning it into a positive  thought and action. Bring grateful for my life, with all the good and the bad is another way that has worked for me to change that negative voice to a positive one.

#negativity #negativethoughts #postivethinking #positiveaffirmations #changingthedialogue #postivevibes #negativemindset #positivemindset

Positive affirmations

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