Ayahuasca, the Divine Surgeon
There is an immeasurable and almost indescribable connection with the medicine that allows your soul to heal on it's own in a very deep, surgical like manner. Like a surgeon, he cannot operate on you when you're awake, in conscious state. He needs the anesthesia to do the work, so the mind is no longer at play in consciousness. Then the surgeon is allowed to do his work on you, repairing anything that is broken or no longer serves a need for. It is at this deep, sub-conscious level that healing occurs. Allowing the medicine to do the work without me being in control of the operation. I am instead, positioned next to this divine surgeon, watching in awe and in humble gratitude how Ayahuasca works deep with my emotions and cleanses my soul of any pain and suffering. The dialogue we have is profound; the maestra and pupil in a narrative so open, so loving and compassionate. She teaches me how to deal with my emotions, my expectations, reframing my internal makeup, make amends where needed, find peace within, awaken my inner strength and how to let go of what no longer serves me. This is the deep, tranformational work that changed my life.