Ayahuasca-and-Self-Sabotage The Passionate Warriors

Ayahuasca and Self Sabotage

You have everything you need to be happy, joyful, loving person. The power to acknowledge this has been there within you all this time. When we numb ourselves with external sources ( insert your addiction here), we take the power of self control away from your inner source because we dont believe we have it without X thing. We put our love in the hands of others, we drink to make us forget about our problems, we do this or that to make us feel whole. When the sobering truth is known, after the hang over, the breakup, the crashing down, we then realize that we have been living a lie, an illusion of how life should be , fueled by "society's programming", and our own insecurities, frustrations and emotions. We fall into our own story of how life has treated us and we wholeheartedly believe it is true. This self sabotage, is the downfall of our potential to become a better version of ourselves.
Ayahuasca helps you to see your true potential by allowing you to sit with your emotions and feelings and your way of programmed thinking...peeling the layers of the onion raw, sobered, unfiltered until it's only you and your core of trauma, addiction and your limiting beliefs. THIS is where you finally deal with your issues because there is no other way, no way out, no place to hide. The results are remarkable. I have witnessed personal transformation and healing of people, where they are finally been able to push themselves outside of their comfort zone, drop their old story of limiting beliefs and into the path of becoming the person who they're meant to be. Living their true essence, their purpose into a higher version of themselves driven by self love, understanding and compassion to others.
I am honored to be part of their journey and hold space for them. At this very moment, there is no higher call than being of service to others.

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