2019- The Year of Manifesting
A year in review:
2019 was a transformational year. Being of service to others is my life's calling. I love the work I do for my community. When I help others, I am helping myself in becoming a better person and it is in the act of service that I found my healing.
I love to serve others through serving Kambo, through coaching and facilitating the life-changing plant medicine, Ayahuasca. I am manifesting my life's dreams by helping others and by changing the way I think and by acting on the intentions I set for myself. The force of the law of attraction is strong in me. This year’s accomplishments prove so without a doubt. I AM mastering the art of getting what I want by helping other people get what they want (Zig Ziglar, my all-time mentor). I believe I can, I become what I think by releasing any limiting beliefs and stage things into action. BE-DO-HAVE. That’s my internal dialog.
Action has been the driving force this year. Whatever I have set intention for, it manifests effortlessly because I have acted in alignment with what I say and do. This combined with the cooperation of other like-minded people made it all possible. The Passionate Warrior movement is in full force, doing what I love and loving what I do with Love, kindness, and service. The Kambo Warrior tribe is growing. I have great expectations for both of these ventures in 2020.
I have several profound experiences working with Kambo and Ayahuasca this year. Starting with the intense Kambo training I had early this year. My work with Kambo has reset my body to its natural state, eradicating what no longer serves my body, my mind, and soul. I have served many warriors this year with the healing power and wisdom of Kambo. I am honored to have witnessed personal growth and transformation in the people I have served. Meeting the frog later in August bonded a sacred relationship with this beloved frog. I am forever grateful for those I have served and those who I have met and helped me along the way.
I have facilitated Ayahuasca every weekend helping others to work on healing their addictions and trauma. I have sat with ayahuasca in several ceremonies working on myself as well. It has helped me to remove old personal beliefs and patterns through intense experiences, most notable was my time in Peru. I will always remember what the shaman said to me before the start of the ceremony. He helped me to set my intentions before drinking Ayahuasca on that faithful night: limpieza por lo que no me sirve, claridad en mis pensamientos y acciones, alineamineto con mi ser superior, abriendo caminos. I was asking for “cleansing of what no longer serves me, clarity in my thoughts (words) and actions, alignment with my true self and clearing the path of what is ahead of me”. This is part of my life since then; I set this intention not only in ceremonies but in everything I do.
I have learned that every journey through difficult that it might be, it’s necessary for my personal growth. it is when I let go and surrender of what I cannot control, healing happens. When I face my fears head-on, once and for all, change happens. More importantly, I understand that it is always up to me to continue moving forward acting on what I have learned through my journeys. The chance of falling back to my old self because the road ahead is challenging with many roadblocks and detours is NOT an option. The past serves me as the ultimate teacher of my experiences forging into my future while I bask in the moment of NOW. Living fully in the present and making the best with what I have available right here and now, with the current circumstances and the people I interact with in this phase in my life.
I have connected with wonderful souls this year and created deep, meaningful relationships. Each one of them has been my teacher and we reciprocate in the value we give to each other. You know who you are and if you are reading this far….it means YOU! I am grateful for our friendship; our connection and I honor your soul.
I close with some thoughts and meditations I have learned throughout the year. There are some great books that have changed my life and I recommend below*
· I am my own shaman and nobody else’s. My job is to help others see their own light so they can heal themselves.
· My life’s path has many peaks and valleys. Some days I’m high on a mountain and others deep down in the valley. How I navigate through my path, makes me who I am today.
· Nothing is permanent; that includes the people I cross path with, the work I do and this life I am living. Meditating on this has given me perspective on appreciating what I have now and living in the present.
· What others think of me is none of my business; how I react to it IS. Acting with integrity eliminates any misunderstandings and people’s preconceptions of me.
· I am master of my thoughts and emotions. It is the only thing I can control.
· What I think I become, so I choose to focus on what I want and not what I don’t want.
I welcome 2020 with love in my heart. Every day is a chance for a new beginning, and I choose to live every day as if it was my last day on this earth. If I persist, I will succeed because I am nature’s greatest miracle.
*The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino, The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday, The Wisdom of the Shamans by Don Jose Ruiz and The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching by Thich Nhat Hanh.
2019 was a transformational year. Being of service to others is my life's calling. I love the work I do for my community. When I help others, I am helping myself in becoming a better person and it is in the act of service that I found my healing.
I love to serve others through serving Kambo, through coaching and facilitating the life-changing plant medicine, Ayahuasca. I am manifesting my life's dreams by helping others and by changing the way I think and by acting on the intentions I set for myself. The force of the law of attraction is strong in me. This year’s accomplishments prove so without a doubt. I AM mastering the art of getting what I want by helping other people get what they want (Zig Ziglar, my all-time mentor). I believe I can, I become what I think by releasing any limiting beliefs and stage things into action. BE-DO-HAVE. That’s my internal dialog.
Action has been the driving force this year. Whatever I have set intention for, it manifests effortlessly because I have acted in alignment with what I say and do. This combined with the cooperation of other like-minded people made it all possible. The Passionate Warrior movement is in full force, doing what I love and loving what I do with Love, kindness, and service. The Kambo Warrior tribe is growing. I have great expectations for both of these ventures in 2020.
I have several profound experiences working with Kambo and Ayahuasca this year. Starting with the intense Kambo training I had early this year. My work with Kambo has reset my body to its natural state, eradicating what no longer serves my body, my mind, and soul. I have served many warriors this year with the healing power and wisdom of Kambo. I am honored to have witnessed personal growth and transformation in the people I have served. Meeting the frog later in August bonded a sacred relationship with this beloved frog. I am forever grateful for those I have served and those who I have met and helped me along the way.
I have facilitated Ayahuasca every weekend helping others to work on healing their addictions and trauma. I have sat with ayahuasca in several ceremonies working on myself as well. It has helped me to remove old personal beliefs and patterns through intense experiences, most notable was my time in Peru. I will always remember what the shaman said to me before the start of the ceremony. He helped me to set my intentions before drinking Ayahuasca on that faithful night: limpieza por lo que no me sirve, claridad en mis pensamientos y acciones, alineamineto con mi ser superior, abriendo caminos. I was asking for “cleansing of what no longer serves me, clarity in my thoughts (words) and actions, alignment with my true self and clearing the path of what is ahead of me”. This is part of my life since then; I set this intention not only in ceremonies but in everything I do.
I have learned that every journey through difficult that it might be, it’s necessary for my personal growth. it is when I let go and surrender of what I cannot control, healing happens. When I face my fears head-on, once and for all, change happens. More importantly, I understand that it is always up to me to continue moving forward acting on what I have learned through my journeys. The chance of falling back to my old self because the road ahead is challenging with many roadblocks and detours is NOT an option. The past serves me as the ultimate teacher of my experiences forging into my future while I bask in the moment of NOW. Living fully in the present and making the best with what I have available right here and now, with the current circumstances and the people I interact with in this phase in my life.
I have connected with wonderful souls this year and created deep, meaningful relationships. Each one of them has been my teacher and we reciprocate in the value we give to each other. You know who you are and if you are reading this far….it means YOU! I am grateful for our friendship; our connection and I honor your soul.
I close with some thoughts and meditations I have learned throughout the year. There are some great books that have changed my life and I recommend below*
· I am my own shaman and nobody else’s. My job is to help others see their own light so they can heal themselves.
· My life’s path has many peaks and valleys. Some days I’m high on a mountain and others deep down in the valley. How I navigate through my path, makes me who I am today.
· Nothing is permanent; that includes the people I cross path with, the work I do and this life I am living. Meditating on this has given me perspective on appreciating what I have now and living in the present.
· What others think of me is none of my business; how I react to it IS. Acting with integrity eliminates any misunderstandings and people’s preconceptions of me.
· I am master of my thoughts and emotions. It is the only thing I can control.
· What I think I become, so I choose to focus on what I want and not what I don’t want.
I welcome 2020 with love in my heart. Every day is a chance for a new beginning, and I choose to live every day as if it was my last day on this earth. If I persist, I will succeed because I am nature’s greatest miracle.
*The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino, The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday, The Wisdom of the Shamans by Don Jose Ruiz and The Heart of the Buddha’s Teaching by Thich Nhat Hanh.