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It's OK Not to Be OK Women's V-Neck Tee

It's OK Not to Be OK Women's V-Neck Tee

It's OK Not to Be OK

Women's V-Neck

"It’s OK not to be OK." These words have been a quiet source of comfort for me over the years, helping me through moments when I wasn’t feeling my best. They’ve taught me that it’s alright to take a step back, to recognize that I need time to regroup and recharge. It’s in those moments of accepting that I’m not OK that I give myself the space to pull away and realign. Only when I’ve taken that time can I come back stronger, wiser, and better prepared to face whatever comes next.

Wearing this Women's V-neck is a gentle reminder that it’s OK not to be OK. It’s about embracing the moments when you need to pause, reflect, and take care of yourself, knowing that it’s the key to coming back stronger and more balanced.

Regular price $35.00
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