Trust-Your-Heart The Passionate Warriors

Trust Your Heart

From the very beginning, this journey has been driven by my heart. I had a stong desire to do it but my mind went into analyzing the planning and logistic to make this road trip. There were some very strong arguments regarding in the planning, costs and schedule. Had I listen to my mind, I probably be in Orlando still, missing out on this opportunity. However, I also felt this pull from my heart to do this, telling me to trust the process. I gave both equal consideration, but my desicion was made for me with the help of the Universe. I am so proud of myself for allowing my heart to be the driver of this adventure. The very first thing it told me was " go here ( Pensacola, FL.) and I'll show you what's next when you get there".
It hasn't failed me and now the mind know, it was the right decision....because I was going to do it anyways 🤩
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