I Had to Be Destroyed to Find Out Who I AM
I love this quote. It echoes all over my being as true. I was getting in my own way of my healing. I have self sabotaged myself with alcohol, drugs, and wrong behavior for decades. My "self" foundation had cracks and started to crumble down until it all came crashing down. I could not rebuild over an unstable foundation. It needed to be destroyed to build anew from the ground up.
Psychedelics, like an onion, helped me peel off every layer of that faulty foundation,...my insecurities, my addictions, my ego, and my wants and desires. I've endured many dark nights, through many realizations, hardships, and struggles. I've dropped the facade of who I thought I was, some of the stories I kept telling myself ( and there are lots of stories) and started from the ground up, making way to let my true self shine above the darkness.
I am a work in progress, a diamond in the rough. God's wicked and brilliant version of Carlos, fresh, raw , undiluted with a lot of courage and determination to continue to improve my life and those around me. I still have much to do, recognizing parts of me that need more work. It's a constant and never-ending work on personal improvement until my transition into another dimension.
I know who I am and my purpose here.
I am Carlos!
#selfdiscovery #healingjourney #diamondintherough #improvingmyself #love #selfsabotage