Coming-into-Sacred-Space The Passionate Warriors

Coming into Sacred Space

A Man goes to knowledge as it goes to war; wide awake with fear, with respect and abosulte assurance.

Going to knowledge or going to war in any other manner is a mistake and whoever makes it will live to retreat his steps.

When a man has fulfilled those 4 requisites there are no mistakes from which he would have to account. Under those conditions, his acts, loose the blundering quality of a fool's act.

If such a man fails or suffers a defeat only a battle amd there will be no pitiful regrets over that.

The Teachings of Don Juan- Carlos Castaneda.

This applies In life and on the mat. We come to sacred ceremony wide awake with fear, with respect and absolute assurance. In real terms, wide awake because when it's time to take it, your mind is probably between "let's do this" to " holy shit, I'm about to do this". It got your full attention. With fear and respect because of the unknown, not knowing what's about to happen and how you will respond to it. With respect, probably because of fear and later on as a testament of its power. Lastly, with abosulte assurance because no matter what happens, it'll be alright in the end.


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