Resonance Man: Takeaways from Joe Dispenza's Advanced Follow Up Retreat
I was thinking of a way to summarize my takeaways from the retreat with Joe Dispenza in Denver Colorado this past weekend. It was an amazing experience just as amazing and transformational as the advance week long retreat I attended last December in Cancun.
This retreat was an advance follow up for people that have already attended week long retreats. The theme was " Resonance". In other words, at least for me to understand, vibration, frequency.....energy. If you are familiar with Joe Dispenza's work, this event went straight to doing the work, diving in depth into heart and brain coherence throigh meditation, breahtwork and advance lectures for people already familiar with the formula. If you're not familiar with Dr. Joe's work, you should check him out. His work is, in general, exploring neuroscience, epigenetics, quantum physics and the potential to change your life by changing your thoughts, mind over matter and other concepts.

My personal takeaways from this event is presented in the image I created below. I focused in getting my heart in coherence with my brain through each energy center ( a.k.a chakras).

This is how I interpret the process of my meditations:
The light above my head is source energy brought down from the 8th center ( the field) entering through my 7th energy center ( crown chakra) down through each center, activating it with each breath.
I learned to breathe through my 4th energy center ( heart chakra) focusing my energy from my heart to each center starting from 1st. center ( root chakra) and to the next center and up to my 6th center ( 3rd eye). It is here where the limbic system exists, with the focus on stimulating the pineal gland. It is more complex that I can explain.
Each center is "blessed" from my heart center with the intention of love and gratitude, which engulfed my whole being as I dove deeper in the meditation.
I was feeling ripples of energy from my 6th center, down through each center and my whole body vibrating with energy, then back up to the 8th field. This was the theme ...to be in " resonance " with heart and brain, having a relaxed heart
( heartful heart) and an awake brain
( mindful brain ).
I am just beginning to scratch the surface, understanding the concepts, learning to demystify the mystical and unlocking the potential to change the frequency of my energy in order to change my life.