


Many people come to sit on the mat during ceremony to find out what their troubles are, what is holding them back...what is preventing them from being happy. Very often I see, when they're in their journey, a feeling of sadness engulfing them. No matter the type of person or how much they fight to surrender, inevitably Ayahuasca will get to the core of your unhappiness. Even those who claim they have a reasonable happy life with no regrets or major issues, are forced to face their darker side when their walls they've built to protect themselves from getting hurt come crashing down. They are suddenly feeling guilty and shameful for they way they've acted to those they loved.

Guilt and shame are painful emotions arising from something we did and how we feel about it. It just doesn't feel good when we finally acknowledge our actions of hurting or wrongdoing to others much less when we face the consequences of those actions. It does provides understanding and clarity.

Guilt and shame can provoke change in one's behavior motivated by taking action to amend their wrongdoing once it has been owned and accepted. However, if we don't take action to make peace or make amends, we can go down a negative spiral of shame and guilt . I can best describe these emotions without action as emotional torture. Not taking action once it has been acknowledged creates a cycle of feeling like you are the shittiest person on earth, flogging yourself over and over for the hurt you've caused to those you loved. Your self love and worth diminishes and thus this reality of life is degraded to emotional and even physical trauma.

To break this cycle, you need forgiveness. That means going directly to that person you've hurt and ask for forgiveness. There is caviat in this proposition and that is asking for forgiveness without being truly sorry will bring more guilt and shame to your life. Perhaps not from that person, since he or she probably believed you were honest with them but thanks to dear karma, your lack of honesty will come back to you one way or another and with a vengeance. So, be sincere and ask for forgiveness from your heart to theirs. Don't be that asshole who's insincere just to get that out of the way. As we all know Karma is a bitch! What you give, it will returned back to you tenfold.

Or perhaps somebody wronged or hurt you and you struggle to forgive. This harbors anger and resentment. Two volatile emotions that affect you more that does to the one that wronged you. They may never come and ask you for forgiveness either because they're unaware of it or just don't want to and you will continue to drink that poison that will only consume you whole.

Dont expect the other person to forgive. If they do, is a win win, but if they are not ready, that is their process. It takes time. Everyone heals at a different pace. It's much more difficult when that person is unreachable or no longer around.

Still, you ask for forgiveness and then you forgive yourself to free yourself from the weight of guilt and shame. Without it, you cannot move on to a happier, healthier and peaceful life. It will haunt you down wherever you go and projected in all of your relationships. There is no escape!

If someone did you wrong, don't expect them to ask for forgiveness. Forgive yourself for expecting , forgive yourself for feeling sad and forgive them for what they've done to you. In the bible, just before Jesus died on the cross he said to God " Father forgive them, for they dont know what they're doing" it is the ultimate act of mercy, to forgive our sins and others. Forgiveness will set you free, no longer attached to the condition of being forgiven.

To those that sit on the mat , those trying to find atonement for their wrongdoing, forgive yourself.

When you dont know what to do, forgive yourself for not knowing what to do.

When you wronged or hurt someone, ask for forgiveness from your heart. Own your mistakes and forgive yourself for what you said or did.

When things are getting out of control, forgive yourself.

When you can't ask for forgiveness because that person is no longer living, send a prayer of forgiveness, true from your heart then forgive yourselves for it and move on. Trust the process of life, of impermanence and redeem yourself from the darkness that has taken over your life for so long.

Everything comes to an end at one point, so a new beginning can occur. Without forgiveness , the cycle will never be broken. When you forgive others and forgive yourself, the weight is lifted. I've seen this during ceremony. There is a shift, a realization of understanding and acceptance. They're no longer the same person. They're now free to love and be loved.

Forgiveness is love; love for oneself and others.
Forgiveness is kindness.
Forgiveness is compassion.
Forgiveness is happiness.
Forgiveness is....well, what else is it for you?

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